Friday, May 15, 2009

Medical Device Compass Chart

Colorimetric test strips were used for measuring glucose levels about 20 or 30 years ago, but then the technology was phased out in favor of the current glucometers, that use electrochemical reactions to measure glucose levels. The main problem with colorimetric strips was that there was no accurate way to read them and translate the color to a specific glucose level. The electrochemical reactions were able to be measured more accurately. It was because of this that the development of technology for measuring glucose concentration in the developed world was diagonal as shown on the chart.

What our goal was to create a way to read colorimetric strips accurately, so that we could develop a better way to measure blood glucose that was as effective as the current glucometers, but was a lot cheaper i.e., develop upwards on the compass instead of diagonally.

At the moment we are about halfway to our eventual goal, since our device is cheap, but needs to be more accurate before it can measure blood glucose to a similiar degree of accuracy and effectiveness as current glucometers.

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